Hi there, happy newyear at first,
I use lightsout for more than 5 or 6 years on my pc's en htpc's works great, but what i want is when i use my htpc win7 mediacenter and i'm watching tv the server goes into suspend.that i can manage but when i use mediabrowser (within mce) for my movies (dvd/hd/blueray) that are stored on my whs1 server, i want to wake and keep running the server as long as files are accesed from the shares that i got. My shares that i use are Blu ray / HD films / Videos / TV Sersies / Photos and music. So i these shares are my files that i acces, can i set lightsout to monitor those shares? So that when i acces with mediacenter lets say mediabrowser then the server starts, or as i acces photo's within mediacenter the server starts?
thanks gr ed