I've been using an HTC Windows 8X now for almost two years now. When Windows Phone 8 came out I was excited and anticipationg a device that woulld be highly integrated with the rest of my Windows environement ha ha the jioke was on me. In the begining of this fledgling platform I had expectations that were unrealistic and I realize that now. The 8X is a nice device sleek light weight and the WP OS is actually very good at least from a functionality and stability stand point. Now two years later when it comes time to go back to Android or continue down the Windows Phone path (iClone is never a choice in my opinion) I decidedf I really like Windows Phone and wanted to continue using it. The Windows Store has now got a nice amount of apps I can do just about everything I need to do. Remotely I have access to my cable service my Calibre, Plex and Subsonic servers on LAN I have all those plus RDP and access to all of my files storage. So when I saw that my parents lines on my account where up for upgrades (which they won't use they still use flip phones) I decideed to get a M8. The phone is light and has a nice curvature that fits nice in your hand of course that goes away as soon as you add the case but I skipped the insurance so protection is a must.. The dual speakers are great and so is the ir sensor and the HTC Sense TV app that turns your phone into a remote for your TV cable box and home theatre. This new model finally features a micro-sd card a feature that was seriously missing in the 8X. So right now I'm in phone nirvana setting up and configuring my new device ($#!+ I think I have algebra homework that I'm neglecting) Also new quiet hours setting in Cortana gets honarable mention it lets you schedule calander events and then if you make your status as busy your phone will repl with an automated message to anyone who text or calls you during these times so now when I go to class I don't have to remember to turn off my ringer because my phone will automatically do it for me.which is sweet.