I have a problem with my whs 2011 server, it won´t boot at scheduled time to take bakups on my computors.
My server gos down to hibernation mode 5 minutes after the internal network traffic is gone. It also starts from hibernation mode every time I boot a computor that´s in the network.
If the server is up and running it´s starts the backups as it should (buckup times for each computor in network that is set in light´s out), but it never starts the scheduled backups that is set on each computor in light´s out if the server is in hibernation mode.
Motherbord on my server is: Gigabyte G1.sniper A88X. It´s not standard driver to LAN or VGA.
The standard backup time that is set in whs 2011 (00:00 - 06:00), during this time the server boot up from it´s hibernation mode without any problem. I believe that light´s out is using the standard task manager job to wake the computor from hibernation mode? Why cant light´s out make this work on the times that I set as bakup time on my computors??
What have I missed?
Please help!