Hi all,
I have been having issues with keeping Remote Web Acces (RWA) for a while now. I am running with an Asus RT-AC66u router, UPnP enabled. It has worked with WHS configuring the router to forward the ports. However, these forwards fell off twice now and the first time it would just work weeks later after I tried to turn it on (through the Dashnboard wizard) after weeks of failure.
Currently I have the same issue. What I do is simply:
- Open dashboard -> Server Settings -> Remote Web Access -> Turn on -> Next
It will set up the site, configure the certificate, do something with the firewall (msg is to quick to read) and proceed to "Setting up the router..." - Here it stays for hours on end.
I have tried various combinations of selecting to set up the router myself, disabling UPnP on the router and manually forwarding the ports. Currently, I try letting WHS configure the router with enabled UPnP on the router while having manually forwarded the ports already. Server IP is static. The wizard does recognise the router and the external IP address.
If I try to connect from outside my LAN/WAN I get a WHS 2011 website saying RWA is turned off (see attachment). From this I gather that the port forwarding works, I do get to contact my Server but it is almost as if some service (IIS??) is offline.
I am at a loss how to diagnose the issue further. Any usefull tips would be much appreciated.
Edit: If I try to access by using "https://myservername.homeserver.com/remote" (I normally do not use the "/remote" part), the the browser reports "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." (which is what points me to the possibility that a service is not running on the server).