Hi guys,
Recently I was assigned to build a website for a company (consultant sort of company), and I never set foot too much in this area before. So that is why I kinda need some advice here. Some requirements that I will probably consider for the website would be the following:
1. the domain's suffix should be as easier (or common?) to recognize as enough (like .com, .net would be preferred).
2. The web space and data transfer space should not be too limited. At least it should be able to squeeze in some nice pictures.
3. the hosting price can be in range from $5~10, I mean I would like to spend some money if it is what takes to have a Stable and Not-too-slow web hosting service. Of course if there is any cheaper host but still reaches this goal it would be awesome!
4. the wider area of supports enabled is also preferred (php, html, css, Mysql etc).
5. Last but none the least, No ads plz!
I have already did some research on web hostings, and found some like: Biz.nf, wix.com, godaddy.com etc.. But really can't decide which one would be the best one for me. Biz.nf seems to have a rarely used suffix, co.nf. I really do not see this suffix very often on the internet. And wix and godaddy are having different features, like Godaddy has more patterns available but wix has a more fashionable UI. Someone please help me!