Hi I've been looking for this in the forum and I had no luck.
I've changed the location of the Shares to a different drive than the installation created.
I.E. old drive E:\ServerFolders\Music moved to new drive D:\ServerFolders\Music
I did this with the dashboard Move Folder command, and deleted the E:\ partition to merge it with the system partition as I don't want any shares on that drive.
My problem is now every time I want to create a new share, when I write the name for the share it autofills the path with the old drive (i.e. E:\ServerFolders\New Share) instead of using the new drive.
Is there any way to change the default location for new shares so they point to the new drive (D:\) and the folder gets created automatically?
I already looked in the registry but couldn't find anything.
Thanks in advance