Hello all,
I built a WHS V1 box using an old dell Gx280 I had laying around, and I purchased an Rosewill RSV-S8 with the Sil3726 chipset and a PCIe x2 slot card (Sil3132R5). http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816132016
I don't have this configured in a raid array and I have been letting WHS manage the disc using the drive extender.
Lately the WHS has been flagging a large number of CRC on three of the hard drives. Looking at how the RSV-S8 is assembled, it has two back plane boards with four slots each per board. It is appearing that all of the error disc are sharing a back plane.
These errors have recently shown up after about 1.5 years of not having any trouble out of the system. It appears that the CRC count only increases when you do a shutdown and restart of the server. If I let it go to sleep and wake using lights out app the CRC count doesn't increase.
Does anyone have a suggestion on these errors?
Is there a way I can see which files cause the CRC error?