Last weekend on my MSI laptop, I cloned the 128GB SSD to a 240GB SSD drive. All partitions were created equal. After verifying the laptop booted correctly, I launched the dashboard from the laptop and reconfigured the backup for this laptop. It showed the original partitions as offline, and had the new partitions available, which were checked for backup. After completing the client backup configuration, I ran a manual backup to verify it would do a BMR backup, it did. Then during the next automatic backup session, it also performed correctly.
Today, I logged in with the dashboard and noticed an alert that said this laptop hasn't had a backup in awhile, so I checked and that manual backup, followed by the automatic backup were the last two backups that had been performed. Since the auto backup had completed, I knew everything was configured correctly, just not sure why it hadn't done any more auto backups. I went through the client backup configuration again, just to do it. Then ran another manual backup, which completed fine. Double checked the Launchpad and saw that the client was set to automatically wake. Is there anything else I should check? Never experienced this before. Just asking.