I am trying to turn on the Media Server capabilities of my Windows Server 2012 Essentials box in preparation for the upcoming improvements to Xbox One with the inclusion of DLNA support and an associated media player app that will include support for a wide array of codecs.
While I wait for the Xbox One to receive the updates later this year, I would like to try and get the server ready. Currently I simply use a Boxee Box media streamer that maps the servers network shares just like a remote computer, and allows me to stream directly from the servers folder structure.
I have turned on the "Media Server" capabilities in my Server 2012 (R1 not R2), and I have the following question:
SMB Protocol and Guest Accounts
As I understand it, the Boxee Box does not support DLNA, but it does support Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. When I fire up the Boxee Box, I see the server listed in the SMB section, but whenever I try and connect to it, it times out. I went to the help files on the server and noticed this:
"Devices that use SMB for network file and share access instead of DLNA (for media streaming) require that the Guest account be activated. This allows any device or user to view the contents of the shared folders without authentication"
So I go to the User section of the Dashboard and I can't find anywhere were I can activate the Guest account. There isn't a Guest account listed in the account list to activate. I am at a loss on exactly how a Guest account is enabled on Server 2012 Essentials?
I understand that there is security risks etc, but they do not apply in this instance because the only content I have in my video share folders is not of a sensitive nature.