So forgive me everyone for my ignorance, I am very new to the world of servers. I apologize for my ignorance in advance.
I have a WSE 2012 R2 server with 3 NIC's, 1 onboard and 2 Intel Pro GB.
I want to assign them each to their own task. I want one that will be dedicated to the WAN side directly connected to the cable modem providing internet to the building.
Another one will be dedicated to the LAN providing DHCP for the computers on the LAN.
The third will be for backup internet from a slow DSL connection.
No Hyper-V
I have the internet working on the server no problem it is pulling its Static IP no problem from the modem, this is good news for me. But I have been unsuccessful in figuring out how to use the other two for my purposes. Can anyone direct me to a page that shows how to setup one for dedicated DHCP and domain controller access? I would be very grateful!