I hope someone can help me figure this out--I have been using WHS v1 with lights out with no problem for over a year---I then tried WHS 2011 also no problem. Now, on the same computer, 2012 Essentials will suspend from the client computers but will not wake from them. I have a hp ex495 but just before I loaded 2012, when I was messing with the memory, I removed the jumper that put the bios to default --I have a device that I can plug a monitor into the computer so I can get to the bios and I think I got it right (I looked at your bios info for lights out and nothing in my bios seems to match)but I'm not quite sure. I checked everything else that you said to check and it is ok. I connected the client without the domain but also tried it with the domain and still no results-only wake on lan from client computers or the wake when the client wakes doesn't work--everything else with lights out and 2012 works quite well. Please help if you can.