On Windows 7 x64, upgraded from IE10 to 11 and now the Computers tab does not appear when I visit my WHS v1 website, same as if you use a non-ActiveX-compatible browser such as Firefox or Chrome. One guesses that the WHS page is checking that it has IE/ActiveX, but whatever method it uses doesn't work for IE11. Anybody else see this?
here's another victim: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/ie11-windows_7/ie11-and-windows-home-server-2003/6304cd69-a956-4ca7-964c-dbe290ac80a2
I probably just have to view the website in 'compatibility view'.
YEP - that was it - apparently compatibility view changes the user agent to be a value recognized by the WHS RA web site.
Thanks, MC