I upgraded 2 of my Win8 Pro machines to Win8.1 today. On both machines, I lost the ability to perform a computer backup.
Both machines gave me an Alert Viewer error as soon as Launchpad started. I can still log in to both Launchpad and Dashboard without any problems. Both machines also showed "offline" in Dashboard. A simple reboot solved that problem. Next, I tried to perform a backup. Both machines failed almost immediately at 1%.
On my laptop, I attempted an uninstall/reinstall of the connector software. At the moment, installation fails after I enter the password for the server with "Cannot connect to the network. Server is unavailable..." message.
Has anyone else experienced this? I have been toying with the idea of upgrading to SBS2012 Essentials, but would rather not shell out the $400 on Amazon if I don't have to. If a server reinstall is necessary, then I'll probably do the "upgrade".
I have installed the hotfix (included with Rollup 4 I believe) for Win8 GPT support. Also, both machines were previously connected and operating properly under Windows 8 Pro.
So far, I've tried uninstalling the connector, flushing dns, restarting, and reinstalingl the connector on the laptop running Win8.1. No luck.
I did have a similar problem previously with Windows 8 and messing around with the server certificate and pointing IIS to the certificate solved the problem that time. And this certainly looks like an authentication problem. But it was a pain last time and I had to reinstall the connector on all machines to allow for the certificate to be considered valid on all the clients.
Any ideas?