Has anybody got experience of swapping multiple external USB drives for server backup with WS2012E?
I currently have a single 1TB USB drive (Toshiba Stor.E) backing up an internal 500GB HDD and all is working well. However, I want to add a second 1TB external USB drive so that I can swap the external USB drives on a regular basis allowing me to have at least 1 drive off the premises for emergencies.
Other than connecting the 2nd drive and setting it up via the dashboard is there anything else I should know about this arrangement?
A search of available posts in this forum and elsewhere suggests that it should be as simple as indicated above. However, other posts imply that I might have to make use of Storage Spaces. I've found plenty of advice cautioning against using Storage Spaces and would rather avoid it if possible.
So my question is:
Once set up, is using multiple external USB drives for backup as simple as disconnecting / reconnecting the USB drives and letting Backup do its thing?