Hi there,
I've upgraded from whs11 so as of now I'm only used to the workgroup "way of things". but when installing ws12e I decided to use a domain instead of a workgroup... after connecting my laptop-client with the server (using the connector software) I was prompted with the initial user account setup as expected. when looking around to see what has actually changed I noticed that I could access (read/write) the local user accounts' folders - including the administator's folders. I even was able to delete/rename files in the system files folders. I was not prompted with any warning message...just as if I actually were an admin.
note: I use separate local admin and user accounts. And use the (non-admin) user account by default.
in addition, when going into the system settings and trying to change some settings that can only be changed by admins I was able to pass the authentification with the local administrator's credentials as well as with the network administrator's credentials.
Is this normal/expected behaviour? I am quite disturbed by this and think of de-installing, and re-installing ws12e with workgroup enabled.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any comment is appreciated!
Thank you.