I have a N54L MicroServer running server 2012 essentials, lights-out is on and seems to work great. The appliance sleeps and at the designated calendar time etc but the problem I'm having is its waking at 6am and I'm not sure why.
Its set to wake at 17:00 and I beleive I've configured the calendar correctly as well as the NIC (wake on lan settings).
The recorded events states:
06:00:31 - Resume [unknown]
I've had a flick through the event viewer and the first System event at 6am is:
A worker process with process id of '8300' serving application pool 'WebApiService' was shutdown due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout configuration was set to 20 minutes. A new worker process will be started when needed.
and then:
The system time has changed to 2013-06-12T05:00:20.500000000Z from 2013-06-11T22:23:18.602560000Z.
Change Reason: System time synchronized with the hardware clock.
Followed by:
There are 0x126080 boot options on this system.
I should also point out DNS has been disabled locally and I've set DNS to point to the router on the NIC.
Any one got any ideas?