So, I've got something strange going on. xxx.73 is my home server, named WHS2011. When I did an nslookup on WHS2011, I got back When I do nslookup on, I get back the name WHS2011, the correct name for my server.
I moved all my wife's Apple devices, including the iPad, to the .90 range. The ipad is now .91. NSLOOKUP on WHS2011 now yields the .91 address, so the problem followed.
So, I have two devices thinking they are the server. Wondering if this is why I can't get my wife's Mac connected via the connector software. Any ideas. Would this be a problem in the Uverse gateway? I think it serves as the primary DNS server. I think it recognizes devices by MAC address, and allocates preferred addresses, or you can use the router to assign a fixed address.
I moved all my wife's Apple devices, including the iPad, to the .90 range. The ipad is now .91. NSLOOKUP on WHS2011 now yields the .91 address, so the problem followed.
So, I have two devices thinking they are the server. Wondering if this is why I can't get my wife's Mac connected via the connector software. Any ideas. Would this be a problem in the Uverse gateway? I think it serves as the primary DNS server. I think it recognizes devices by MAC address, and allocates preferred addresses, or you can use the router to assign a fixed address.