Hello -
I know this is a stretch but so far I'm not getting very far with cloudberry's support team so i thought i'd try here.
Has anyone tried to migrate backups and settings from cloudberry on WHSv1 to a copy of cloudberry on SE2012?
I've self migrated my data and my shares so they are an identical match (except for the server name)
I've re-added a glacier storage account to the server 2012 box and then, at supports request, opened options, repository, and click re-sync. It takes hours or longer but it eventually finishes. The problem I see is the data appears unstructured. What was nicely nested like below:
is now setup as such
And stranger still, at the bottom of the list i have some structred data:
Most are empty folders (the data can be found at the above long path) but some have photos in them.
Before i setup a backup plan again and risk having to re-send a lot of data to amazon, does anyone have any tips for resolving this? I know its a stretch...