the WHS 2011 rollup 3 automatic client connector update is crashing my Win7 desktop, the update instals but on reboot the PC gets about halfway through loading Windows (does not get to the desktop sound point) and just stalls and freezes, almost like it is trying to connect and cannot. Cannot back off the update in safe mode and system restore also does not restore to the earlier point just does the same thing. Only way to restore is a full restore but as soon as it restores it starts updating the connector again.
Only way to get back up and running was to back off the rollup 3 on the server and bare metal restore to an earlier date (which took about 5 hours)
Anyone have any idea what may be going on?
Only way to get back up and running was to back off the rollup 3 on the server and bare metal restore to an earlier date (which took about 5 hours)
Anyone have any idea what may be going on?