I have a WHS 2011 server at home wich is behind a router of course. I have set up a VPN server on the WHS 2011 using these instructions:
Additionally I used a preshared key for L2TP connections.
There is no problem connecting to the VPN server using L2TP/IPSEC connection on a Mac or an iPad but when trying to connect with a Windows 7 computer I can´t get a connection to the sever.
I have read that you need to edit the registry in order to get this to work and I have tried that following these instructions:
I did this both on the server and the Windows 7 computer. Also I did start the IPsec Policy Agent on both the server and the Windows 7 computer.
But I still can not get a connection to the VPN server using Windows 7 computers.
I have tried turning the firewall of on the W7 computer but that changed nothing and since I can connect with a Mac this has probably nothing to do with the firewall settings on the computer or the router.
If anyone here has any solutions, that would be greatly appreciated.